
coming soon

"Welcome to my Little slice of cyberspace!!"

==> Tumblr

Welcome to DrREam-gRRl.net. This is a little project I started in an attempt to have a hobby that wasn't just constantly scrolling social media

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, I made this website so i could have a place to dump all my stuff. So far I plan to have a movie theatre themed page of movies and shows i watch. rn im deciding on what to put on the right side bar.

Go check out my tumblr as im more active on there

vv some sites i like down below vv

internet archive cinni site itatoys spiritcellar


[09/01/24] Hello once again 8 months later !!! im in my last year of highschool and i got so many enterance exams to study for so dont i plan (or will even be able to TT) work on this lil project for a while. Still active tho i should link my tumblr here soon

[01/09/24] Happy New Year!!! I havent updated this mess in two weeks. God, so where do I start? i made a new blog post so check my diary to see what ive been up to

[12/12/23] my lifes been such a mess lately and i havent rlly had the time to figure out how to execute my ideas into code T-T

[12/07/23] 1000 VIEWS!! also I'm kinda stuck on what i want to be on here, which is stupid so now i just placed an update log to fill some space. I added an alice and chains blinkiee